HyperMatrix was founded by a small group of technology experts in the area of Network Security and Encryption.
They had a dream in their hearts: designing a truly effective Extra-Network Secure Access System in such a way that it could be offered to the market at an affordable price as a service:

Easy to install yet truly secure

HyperMatrix is a very modern corporation: you can see that from this website, from the kind of products it has on offer. Yet, its founders's souls are rooted in those sound, very old industry traditions that end up making the difference between a Mercedes and any other car. The result is a very unique blend of innovative approaches joined together with strongly rooted and respected traditional principles. To give you a taste of what this company really is I will cite some some of the mottos that you can find posted, here and there, on the walls of HyperMatrix R&D department. Some of them might be able to enlighten you on what is pulsing at the operating core of HyperMatrix's R&D group. In my view this also can explain the differentiating power of the company and consequently the uniqueness of its offerings:

  • Principle I: Care for, above all, your client's long term security: this is the only way to take care of your own company's future: before incorporating in HyperMatrix's hardware or software a new technology make sure you have full control of it: full understanding, full source code access, full availability, full consequence analysis.
  • Anything fully developed in-house will take longer to be implemented BUT will serve HyperMatrix's purpose better in the end.
  • Standards are good. Without standards how could we strive to make something different, something better?
    Let's be creative, let's find a better way for our special project. Otherwise the result of our work will simply not be worth the time of life we will have to spent on it.
  • At HyperMatrix we always believed that there was no technology in hardware or software that we could not fully master: so even in front of the hardest difficulties we have never given in. We know now we are smarter than any difficulty we might encounter on our path: this gives us the superior set of mind necessary to be part of HyperMatrix today.
  • Once we found a good way to realize something it is then that we have to try our hardest to make it excellent: this way we are always ready to face the next challenge with a good, positive feeling in our heart.